Almost Goodbye to 2010

Wow! we will leave 2010 soon, and I would like to listed my most and least favorite things that happened this year. Okay, lets start with my LEAST FAVORITE THINGS happened this year:

  1. I should faced the fact that I had to undergo a long distance-relationship with my boyfriend who has been with my in almost 6 years.
  2. I had to say goodbye and let my boyfriend went to KL for his Master Degree study
  3. I got vertigo that caused me traumatic until now
  4. I should give up my master's thesis 
  5. I can't be with my boyfriend when he turned 23
  6. Disasters in my beloved country :( 
  7. That's it!
Now, these are my list of MOST FAVORITE THINGS happened this year:
  1. Have my boyfriend proposed on my birthday
  2. Got engaged on March 6, 2010
  3. Went to holy city Makkah - Madinah for doing Umroh with my family (alhamdulillah)
  4. Decided to covered my appearance with hijab (alhamdulillah)
  5. Prepared our wedding from A to Z (well at least to X cos the Y and Z done by my beloved wedding organizer)
  6. Went to KL to visit my boyfriend (slash fiance)! it was my first trip overseas, alone! wow! what a journey.
  7. Got an opportunity to do freelance at a consultant company, so that I can still earn money without going to the office, and the job was so much fun! 
  8. Had my bestfriends beside me to help with the wedding thing
  9. I got married on November 6th, 2010!!!!
  10. I have a husband, another parent (in law), new sisters and brothers!
  11. I had my "Malam Pertama" (this is absolutely unforgettable memories!)
  12. I share a bed with someone I love
  13. Went to Malaysia - Singapore with my husband and family for holiday
  14. Start my new life at Selangor, Malaysia.. Independently, with my husband
  15. Watch football match INA vs MAS, LIVE at the stadium for the first time in Bukit Jalil, Malaysia
  16. I cook.. cook..and cook! be a housewife..
  17. and many moooreee!!

This year is definitely a magical year for me, many magical things happened! new things, superb, great, cool, wow!!! hope next year can be more magical and full of blessings! amiin ya Allah.. Thanks 2010, for all the magic in you. 

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