What I Designed....

I had my best friend wedding 2 weeks before my own wedding, and the tradition is we give well sort of bride maids dress' fabrics which we can create by our own how the dress will be like. So my best friend gave me dark dusty pink 'brokat' fabrics and it was pretty. Since I just transform my look into wearing hijab, so i'm a little bit confuse of what kind of dress should I wear on my best friend's wedding.. hmmm.. So I made a sketch and design my own dress, give it to the tailor and walaahhhh! this is it! I love the dress and it suits my expectation.. :) here's the picture of me wearing the dress, excuse the quality of the picture alright..coz it was taken using Blackberry camera..

Details: I only use the 'brokat' fabric for the top design
and use shiffon silk type for the rest of it. I love shiffon silk because
it gives flowing effect for the dress and makes it prettier (for sure)

After the dress 'thinghy' was accomplished, now its time to think about the make up.. hmmm.. how the make up should be like? Since I have no time to go to the salon to make myself up (@#*$#??), so I decided to do the make up and hijab do by myself. I love experimenting with make up and hijab, sooo.. after a while sort of kind of time, here comes the result of my own make up and hijab do.. tadaaaaaaa!!!

Details: for the face, I use a thin base of liquid foundation from Revlon and
some oil controller gel from Anna Sui (I'll provide you the picture on my next post, alright?)
I use minerals loose powder from Revlon and Lightful compact powder from MAC
(FYI this is a perfect combination, at least for me.. :p)
for the eyes, I applied eyeshadow from Pixy and PAC colored pink, maroon and brown
I used liquid eyeliner from Anna Sui (the best!) and applied false lashes to contour my eyes
and since i've already use false lashes, so I didn't use mascara anymore
I also applied white highlight at the tip of my inner eyes to give some effects that makes my eyes looks bigger
For the blush I just use rose blush on from Revlon
and for the lips was lipstick from MAC combine with Etude's lipgloss for the final touch!

Okay, that's it from me and InsyaAllah I will give you more details about the make up that use, the brand, the look, the number, etc.. I just need more time to do that since now I have a husband to take care of :p thanks guys! or girls.. see ya!

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